Posted April 1, 2022
Red Bell Peppers—2
Tamarind —-1/2 inch ball
Garlic —1 Pod
Chana dal —-1/2 tsp
Urad dal —-1/2 tsp
Mustard seeds —-1/4 tsp
Cumin seeds —1/4 tsp
Curry Leaves —5
Oil 1 tsp
Salt to taste
- 1) Wash thoroughly. Remove stem and chop bell peppers.
- 2) Heat oil a pan and add all ingredients in order.
- 3) When chana dal turns light brown, add chopped bell pepper, tamarind and sufficient salt.
- 4) Stir fry until bell pepper turns soft.
- 5) Once cooled, grind everything together into a coarse paste. Add garlic,
- cloves and give it a quick spin in the mixer.
- Serve with rice or dosa.
Nutrition analysis / Serving:
- Energy: 12Kcals, Carbohydrate: 2.5gms, protein: 0.2gms & Fat: 0.2gms
- Note: Add a tsp of grated jaggery if you desire it to be a little sweet.